1. Steampunk out those mini-laptops (and whatever other electronics I could) for people.
2. Re-learn the guitar, then learn the banjo, fiddle, and harmonica. Start a bluegrass band.
3. Open a coffee shop in Kirksville called "eden" and pretend like me and the coffee shop were mystically connected. I'd try to be in the same mood as the coffee shop and somehow get the idea across to the patrons that it was part of me.
I really threw myself into these ideas. For about three or four days apiece, I was SO committed that I looked up material costs, made plans, talked to realtors about buildings...you get the picture.
Remember when this was a blog about cooking? That was another idea that didn't pan out. I'm kind of wondering what my next big thing will be.
i just stumbled over here from facebook and let me say this: if you start steampunking shit, put me on your list.